Tales Frey

For Sale: Debit Card Accepted (2009)


Tales Frey, For Sale: Debit Card Accepted, 2009. Video, 9’37”. Edition: 3 + 2 P.A.


In For Sale: Debit Card Accepted, everything on my body is for sale. Everything about my body, but not the body! I wear “second hand” clothes and accessories considered feminine and, in each piece, there is a label informing the value of each product. In my hand, I carry a debit card machine and, on my back, hang a huge plaque with the title of the performance



Performance art by Tales Frey | Length: variable | Year of the creation: 2010




[2017] Zoom Cultural Association. Barcelos, Portugal.

[2015] Action Acts II – International Performance Art and Intervention Festival. Largo da Boa Morte, Limeira, Brazil.

[2012] 26ª Feira Franca. Palácio das Artes/ Fábrica de Talentos, Porto, Portugal.

[2009] Soul of the Street 2009. Lomography Embassy, Porto, Portugal.

[2009] Jardim de São Lázaro, Porto, Portugal.



[2012] Colloquium “Feminist Studies: The Future of the Past”Colloquium of the postgraduate studies in Feminist Studies of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal.

[2010] Soul of the Street 2010. Lomography Embassy, Porto, Portugal.


Tales Frey, For Sale: Debit Card Accepted. Performance art activated in Porto, Portugal. July 2009. Photos by Jorge Taveira


Tales Frey, For Sale: Debit Card Accepted. Performance art activated in Porto, Portugal. July 2012. Photos by Hilda de Paulo


Tales Frey, For Sale: Debit Card Accepted. Performance art activated in Limeira-SP, Brazil. July 2012. Photos by Hilda de Paulo


Tales Frey, For Sale: Debit Card Accepted. Performance art activated in Limeira-SP, Brazil. July 2015. Photo by Robson Trento


Tales Frey, For Sale: Debit Card Accepted. Performance art activated in Limeira-SP, Brazil. July 2015. Photos by Robson Trento