Tales Frey

Suzana Queiroga: “The World Goes Indifferent to Us” (2021)


Detalhes de algumas obras mostradas na exposição O Mundo Segue Indiferente a Nós no Espaço de Intervenção Cultural Maus Hábitos. Junho e julho de 2021, Porto, Portugal


It was while debugging a creation process started in 2020, already in the context of the covid-19 pandemic, that the Portuguese-Brazilian artist Suzana Queiroga conceived a large installation designed especially for a function room at Maus Hábitos, extrapolating two-dimensional matrices to generate spatialities and sculptural achievements, enabling several feasible or imaginary paths, where the scale of the work inevitably prescribes a bodily relationship with the audience, who, faced with a tangle of flexible and suspended stairs, can walk around the piece to explore the different points of view and as infinite possibilities of linking between layers that overlap in this creation that also gives title to the exhibition.

Last year, the artist started the series “The World Goes Indifferent to Us”, initially exploring incisions on paper to build shapes through gaps and, by superimposing these layers in layers, something new emerged in the course of it, confirming topics already previously investigated in relation to urban routes and varied flows, but this time, mainly capturing the concept of time and infinity, granting visibility to the ineffable, where there is a visual reasoning that elucidates a time that directs us to a greater awareness of our ephemerality and , also, about the urgency of a worldview [Weltanschauung], of a notion about our interdependence in a more globalized way.

And if it is from the incision in the material that each work of the artist is revealed, it is also through the suspension of each cut out plan that we can understand possible complaints in the cartographies revealed in her creations of years ago, of which human interference in landscapes throughout the civilization process – based on destruction and justified as progress – is impregnated. In this sense, Suzana Queiroga’s trajectory is continuously decolonial.

And, in this current phase in which the textile material provides metaphorical access to a non-earth plane, the artist exposes the present and tragic period of health crisis that we are going through, denouncing the social inequality generated by the capitalist functioning that hierarchizes lives and, above all, to the using felt (a thermal insulator) as the subject of her newest creation, Suzana comments on the current situation of isolation in family units, shared living spaces, or individual homes, yet she also narrates the permanent risk in the face of a virus that crosses borders.

The project is a reflection on the fragility and brevity of our existence and, although distilling a certain skepticism, it nevertheless points out ludic and subjective paths towards destinations that transcend reality.


Tales Frey



Detalhes de algumas obras mostradas na exposição O Mundo Segue Indiferente a Nós no Espaço de Intervenção Cultural Maus Hábitos. Junho e julho de 2021, Porto, Portugal


Parallel Program of the exhibition The World Goes Indifferent to Us

23 de junho de 2021, 17h

21 de julho de 2021, 21h

Em Fluxo (Sessão de filmes e Conversa com Suzana Queiroga e Tales Frey)


31 de julho de 2021, às 15h (até às 18h)

Finissage: Lançamento do catálogo “O Mundo Segue Indiferente a Nós”



Suzana Queiroga: The World Goes Indifferent to Us | Curatorship: Tales Frey | General Coordination & Production Direction: Mariana Vitale | Digital Content and Comunication: Filipe Confraria, Joana Lopes e Mariana Vitale | Press Office: Filipe Confraria | Design: Luís Teixeira | Exhibition Montage: Kiko Richard | Artistic Assistence: A Xavier & Mateuse | Photograph: José Caldeira | Cleaning: Manuela Pinto | Organization: Saco Azul & Maus Hábitos | 11 June to 25 July 2021



artecapital.net, junho de 2021


Detalhes de algumas obras mostradas na exposição O Mundo Segue Indiferente a Nós no Espaço de Intervenção Cultural Maus Hábitos. Junho e julho de 2021, Porto, Portugal